
Years ago, before I had awakened to any of this, my therapist had suggested that take a mindfulness class in addition to the cognitive therapy I was doing, to help with my “ADHD.” I was searching for mindfulness information and tools online since it did not come easy to my very busy brain. I had come across the suggestion of a Mala bead, which I had never heard of. I though it was very pretty and decided to make one, at the time they didn’t have many or any I could find to purchase online.

After making my first Mala, I searched on line on how to use it, I’m not sure if I was even using it correctly but it worked, I decided to use my Mala with a self love affirmation, and to my surprise it became a big part of my “self love journey.” In my search of “how to do malas and mantras” I also ended up listening to this random Hindu chant that I saw was called “god is love, love is god.”

I had no idea the language or why I was listening, but I fell in love it. I would listen and crochet for hours, even my family became familiar with this unknown chant in a unknown language, at the time I had no awareness or knowledge what so ever what it was doing, until now. I learned that what I had unknowingly been listening to was called the “Gayatri mantra” and is considered to be one of the most powerful universal mantras of all Hindu mantras. Little sos I know at the time, the powerful impact it would have on the rest of my life then forward. I remember saying that while listening I felt as if I was in the middle of an eye if a hurricane, which in many ways my house felt that way many times back then having two teenagers in high school, a child with autism and a baby.

This was my first experience with being present, making space in my mind, which was very difficult for me. At the time I had not even experienced meditation yet, and was still very much conditioned by my religion, and even had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn’t listen to it, as I became almost addicted to this calm energy I experienced while listening to the same foriegn chant over and
over again.

This chant still today is one of my favorite ways to bring me to this peaceful place and calm my nerves

Listen here to the powerful life changing chant that divinely came to be which lead to the awakening of my soul.

Years later into my journey, it happen again. Without guidance and couldn’t tell you how or where I came across another beautiful chant, again had no idea why, but I remember saying that this chant sounded like heaven to my ears, this is my favorite version of this chant the “Siri Gaitri Mantra”, each sound is unique and intentional, and holds the power to balance all of your chakras. It’s even said that listening daily can be truly life changing and well I’m hear to tell you that I have experienced this to be true. Listen here to my favorite version of this powerful mantra.

The words of this mantra are:

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

Ra means the sun and connecting with that frequency gives you energy.

Ma means the moon and it aligns you with receptivity.

Da is the the energy of the Earth, grounding you in your roots.

Sa is Infinity and as you chant this, your energy rises upwards and outwards drawing in the healing the the Universe.

*When you chant “Sa” a second time, you pull the energy of Infinity into you.

Say is a way of honoring the all-encompassing “Thou”.  It is personal, like a secret name for God or the Divine.

So is a vibration of merger.

Hung is the Infinite, the vibrating real. It is the divine, essence of creation.  

Chanting is a spiritual discipline believed to improve listening skills, heightened energy and more sensitivity toward others. 


One of my favorite ways to balance my throat chakra is Mantra and Malas.

Mala Beads
 are an easy, quick way to be still while promoting positivity! Mala beads are fun and beautiful as well!

Set an intention, allow the Mala beads to guide you as you follow each bead while reciting your manta!

Find a comfortable, quiet place. You can choose to have music or quiet. Relax.Take a moment to focus on your breathing, and the earth beneath you.

Choose a mantra or affirmation that speaks to you. Some examples to get you started: om,  shanti shanti shanti, I am enough, I love and accept who I am, I am in the right place at the right time. Here is a beautiful version very relaxing, perfect for the mala, 108 Om Namo Narayanaya chant I have come to like as well, here.

Hold the mala in right hand loosely and relaxed, letting it hang over your hand.
 Touch the focus guru bead with your left hand.
 Then use your right hand and mindfully move your finger from one bead to the next, intentionally repeating your mantra or affirmation out loud, as a whisper, or in your mind, for each bead. Continue until you've gone around the entire Mala returning to the guru bead again.