Self Love

Self love will save your soul, it is the key to true healing and happiness!

When you fall in love with yourself for the first time, it is like coming home.

As a parent, I feel this is the most important thing you can ever teach your children. Sadly most of us struggle with this, especially woman today.

For myself finding self love was the beginning of my beautiful journey and vital to my spiritual growth!

Discovering that happiness and love doesn't come from outside of you, this is found inside of you.

When you discover this, it is freedom! You don’t need someone else to complete you. You are already whole.

Often we leave very little space in the heart for the self. In my practice I see commonly an abundance of extra energy around the heart chakra. Especially in Empaths, who carry around the emotional baggage, worries, burdens, stress and energy of others. Learning to let go of what is not yours to carry will literally make you feel lighter and making space for your own self love and healing!

Perhaps I myself am the enemy that must be loved. -Carl Jung


Self forgiveness will help you achieve freedom and happiness. We are often more hard on ourselves, than others. Holding high expectations for the self based on years of worldly expectations and conditioning.

Forgiving others as well, holding onto negative energy towards others and situations only are toxic to your soul and your body and over time may manifest into pain and disease.

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.

-Thich Nhat Hanh


Accept yourself!!

Be your wonderful authentic self!

We have many masks, shadow selves, altered ego's, developed here on earth over time, products of fear, shame and guilt.

It's time to remove the mask, become comfortable in your own skin, become completely raw, stop pretending to be happy and start living a life that genuinely makes you proud of yourself.

Learn something new, it's never too late. Connect with your desires, you have deep in your soul, a passion that burns inside, go after it, let such energy you feel within, be the light that guides you.

Stop trying to be someone your not, embrace yourself, date yourself, indulge, give yourself a compliment, take yourself out, dress up, reflect on what you love and what you are passionate about. Create extra space within just for YOU! Hug yourself, allow yourself to fully embrace all the love you feel! Forgive yourself, believe in yourself! Build yourself up! Protect yourself! Talk to yourself as if you were speaking to someone you love, with kindness.

Mindfulness meditation can bring awareness and help identify negative thought patterns. Listen and identify your self talk narrative, choose to not believe the negativity chatter.

After years of practicing this, I still hear the negative narrative, the Ego's damaging thoughts. "You're not good enough", You're not smart enough".

Let me ask you, would you ever tell your best friend this? Would you tell you child or anyone you loved, that they simply suck at life, and are not enough! I'd hope not! Then why is it so easy to tell ourselves such? It's is because at some point in our lives we decided we were lacking, we felt we didn’t live up to our parents or the worlds standards. We compare our lives to others, our looks, talents and possessions. We have FOMO (fear or missing out) we want that perfect Facebook family, or look like the hoochie model on instagram. We want that perfect parents, child, house, job... it never ends! The Ego has taken over!

We need to connect again to our soul, our true self, learn to love and accept who we truly are, no masks, no worldly standards, just be you! Fill yourself with all the love from God, and take the time to feel the energy. Be proud of yourself, acknowledging all the mountains you’ve climbed and how far you’ve come, how strong you’ve become. Know yourself, know the difference between ego and spirit, soften your ego and allow your soul to shine outwards! Be confident in who you are, trust your intuition, search within to discover your gifts and purpose and be content with your path and journey, love the body that you are in, you were perfectly made, work with what ya got!! Trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this present moment, you are enough, you have enough. Have gratitude for all of it, and allow yourself freedom to let go all that does not serve your soul and purpose.

Practice mindfulness breaking the egos negative thought patterns. Pause and stop to see the beauty in all that is around you! For 15 seconds, let go of all expectations you have of yourself. Notice the details use all of your senses. Breathe in the beauty in yourself and all around you! Calm your mind so that you can receive all profound knowledge and infinite wisdom, from the highest divine energy. Let go of who you think you are suppose to be, and simply love who you are.

Soul Hygiene


Take a spiritual shower or take a bath in epsom salt, you may even add some of your crystals that are safe for water. We cleanse the physical, but our soul needs to be cleansed too, we carry and take on so much day to day.
We clothe the human body... let's make a habit of after putting on your clothes in the morning visualize putting on a bubble of white light protection too!

Use the violet flames technique, face out mirrors when you sense negativity, protect your energy!
Sage yourself, practice mindfulness and meditation, music or wear crystal gemstones that promote self love like rose quartz, confidence stones like citrine or protective stone like tourmaline.

Check out the Self Love items we have in our online store!

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