What is Reiki?

“Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease.”

- Dr Mikao Usui

Reiki is a beautiful healing art modality becoming more popular, as the world awakens to the need of more holistic care options.
 Usui Reiki by definition is a spiritual healing with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using guided life force energy. Reiki is not associated with any religion and people of all faiths and beliefs can benefit from this healing.


Before doctors and therapists, our healing ancestors looked to the earth, with spiritual guidance, using nature's medicine, ones intuition and with the best of intentions to heal. Holistic healing practices are as old as time.

Reiki is approved by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine for pain relieving. Reiki is categorized as a biofield treatment.

☾☾ I am not doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Energy healing should be used as complementary and not as a replacement for regular medical care ☾☾

Healing Request

Request Distant Reiki for yourself or your family and friends, much like a powerful pray, send us a name or situation you’d like us to send Reiki healing to.


What does Reiki mean to me?

" The cure for pain is in the pain" -Rumi

Reiki is a deep inner healing. It is a safe, natural effective form of healing from the inside out. While spiritual in nature, it is completely non denominational. Life force energy is administered by laying the hands on or hovering them above the body, spiritually connected and guided with intentions, intuition while channeling the flow of this healing energy. Reiki helps to balance your energy, clear unprocessed trapped emotional baggage that you've been carrying, allowing space for you to connect with your soul and purpose. Balancing your energy centers. Connecting the dots between the body, mind and soul.

I am Certified Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher and practice the original Usui Reiki Method. I have been a License Massage Therapist for over 10 years and have been attracted to energy healing from the beginning.

Working with many different techniques of energy modalities, I have found that Reiki has lead my clients to more authentic lasting healing.

True Reiki is passed onto a student by attunement from a Reiki Master/Teacher. I have also taken Beginners Shamanism with a local teacher within the lineage of Sandra Ingerman and often incorporate some of what I’ve learned to be very beneficial into my practice.


Using the Chakra System to assist and guide you in releasing negative energy, making space for healing, Divine energy and wisdom. I cannot heal you, only you can only heal yourself.

I am a Lightworker, my purpose and intentions are to help YOU let go, heal and guide you, that YOU discover YOUR light within.

Love & Light,

Reiki Master Teacher/Practioner

Want more?

Click on the + at top right of this page to learn more about Reiki and The Chakra System.

Usui Reiki Principles

Just for today, I will not worry. 
 Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.


Animals love Reiki too. Animals have amazing energy and can too benefit from the healing touch of Reiki! They have one more Chakra (energy center) than we do, located on their back. Reiki can help calm your animal, lessening stress and anxiety as well as ease pain and discomfort. A Reiki level I practitioner can perform Reiki healing to animals.
