Sacral Chakra Stones




Ancient Egyptians called Carnelian “The Setting Sun.” It’s healing properties include building confidence, courage, passion and power. Assists in taking action and overcoming fear. Helps to detoxify and purify the body from bad habits such as alcohol or drugs.

Orange Calcite


The Orange Calcite Stone help to overcome depression, increases positive energy, by bring solar energy. Promotes creativity, sexuality and hormonal balance. Is a wonderful healing stone for anyone trying to break out of old patterns or overcome shyness.



This ancient stone soaks up excess energy in the Sacral Chaka. Balancing emotions and eliminating fears. Called “soul of the tiger” in Asian cultures and regarded as the stone of courage. Because of it’s old age you often see little insect fossils trapped inside the stone. Amber is great for those who need protection on long travels, as well as used to relieve headaches and treats jaundice.



Sunstone is a gentle healing stone that promotes a warm and positive mindset while boosting self-esteem and vitality. Bringing an instant ray of sunshine into your life! This sunny happy stone is an excellent healing aid for clearing away negative thought patterns and is the best antidepressant in the world of gemstones.