
A Community of Divine Unity

SOS Member only VIRTUAL Circles

Sense of Soul was originally created because we knew personally just how lonely and confusing the journey through spiritual awakening can be! We want to connect with like-minded souls and be a part of a “community of divine unity.”

We welcome and encourage you to join us. Sense of Soul Sacred Circles create a much needed safe space to connect, an opportunity to support other woman and feel supported.

Follow Sense of Soul Patreon to participate in Sense of Soul Sacred circles. Circles do not require paid membership, only special event circles.

You will find the circle Zoom invite link to join scheduled circle in the Sense of Soul Patreon feed.

With no dominant voice, where all are equal and each voice is honored and fully received without fixing, just accepting, where you can connect with amazing souls from all walks of life, to openly express yourself and relate to others with an open heart and mind.

Join Sense of Soul Patreon’s chat to connect on circle topics, support and connect with other like-minded souls.

sacred circles virtual schedule

Topics and dates are subject to change, if cIrcle facilitator chooses so, all changes will be posted in advance.

Most circles will be held every second Tuesday of each month.


Tues August 22nd 5pm MT


Tues sept 12th 5pm MT

Ghost story share

Tues october 10th 5PM MT


Tues November 14th 5pm MT


Tues december 12th 5PM MT


Tues January 9th 5 PM MT



Tues feb 8th 5pm MT

We are BettEr toGether

Meet your circle Facilitators

Would you like to lead a circle?

pleasE contact us here!
