Angel Guidance


I believe that we all have spiritual guidance and protection of angels, masters, guides, spirit animals, ancestors and loved ones throughout our life. These invisible helpers have been written about in most religions, called different names.

Angels are spiritual beings of love and light, who guide and assist you in all areas of life! They offer spiritual knowledge and wisdom, to guide, lead and protect us. You are not alone in this world! It doesn’t matter who you believe in which God or Ascended Master (whether Jesus, Buddha, whoever)...I believe they all are important teachers. Pray to them, ask them to be present in your life, to assist in support, love and guidance. Some have an Archangel as a guide. I believe throughout our life that your guardian angels may change. Showing up specifically when we need them! I do believe we all have a designated guardian angel who has always been with us, one who never leave us, for eternity.

Our passed loved ones and ancestors whom we've never met may also be our guides. Life can get in the way of us connecting, negative energy can pollute us so much, restricting the flow of divine energy, which blocks us from sensing, hearing and connecting to Divine guidance.

It's important to clear and clean out, thus creating space within us to receive. The angels are in a realm of a much higher vibration. When we pray and meditate with the intention to connect with our angels we are sending out to them a vibration, raising your vibration will assist in your connection. Most importantly, simply ask your angels and guides to be present in your life, ask them for guidance, for protection, you can ask them their name, which path to take, don't believe me? Ask your guides to show you signs that they are with you, then look and listen for their answers, they will show you signs. Journal after meditation, this is often how I end up writing on the website.

Some mornings I can't stop writing, my guides just kind of take over, leading me in my thoughts and words to communicate with my readers. They subtly try to send us clues they are with us, guiding us.

Look for signs in numbers, synchronicities, flashing lights, likely the way you will receive signs will be through your strongest gift of "Clair" you use. Learn more about the Clair's, you can read or print out at the link below.

Here are a few gemstones to raise your vibration and assist in this connection. Kyanite, Sugalite (AA Michael), Lapis Lazuli, Angelite, and Rainbow Moonstone. You can carry them, wear them, hold them during meditation or sleep with them and asking that your guides visit your dreams, (however beware that some stones are to high of a vibration and make disturb your nights sleep).

Your angels and guides are waiting for you, so give them a call!